Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"वादळा पुर्वीची शांतता", PRE STORM SILENCE

I am NOT forecasting any weather or disastrous circumstances! I discovered that this phrase we usually use in marathi is derived from HOLLYWOOD! I'll explain how...

Basically, I wanted a topic to write on. So, while I was having my dinner yesterday night, with the TV on, while watching some thriller movie named Dr. Who. The movie casted a doctor, supposedly mutated into a monster by typically mixing some green and pink coloured chemicals, having clouds coming out of tubes, putting them in a microwave like instrument and drinking the so formed compounded chemical. One thing I don't know about these movies, why do these doctors, scientists, heroes, destroy almost everything, with majority of glass materials, in their labs to show the reaction of chemicals consumed? Although this was just a supposition from my si-fi Hollywood movie knowledge, I wondered why don't they use a different room to conduct the experiment?

Moving ahead, there was a scene in which the hero - I suppose, as he was the lone combatant against the demon - as well as the monster get silent for a couple of seconds. They both are on either sides of a closed passage divided by a firm door. Hero, his girlfriend, her mother and some side actor (an intern I suppose) were on one side, and the monster on the other. The hero has strength, courage, and all wit to combat the monster even if it contradicts the laws of physics, chemistry and biology. He asks the ladies and the guy around to calm down, keep complete silence and face the situation. Both the sides calm down for a couple of minutes, may be building up strategies, coming up with plans to either destroy the opponent or fly off from the spot somehow. I can understand about the humans, but why does the monster need to think or stop suddenly? In the next instance, the hero and the demon try to hear noise on either sides at the same time. Hero hears a silent roar of the monster and feels him moving backward. Then there is a complete silence - pin drop silence as our teachers used to scream in school - and everything goes numb as if things have frozen. This lasts until the monster blasts again breaking the silence, giving the hero an opportunity to impress the lady's mother, by of course fighting with the monster.

Then, when I thought of silence, the marathi phrase, "वदळा पुर्वीची शांतता", came in my mind. Then I made a conclusion that the phrase, is derived from Hollywood action movie sequences. We can take examples of hundreds of action packed thrillers from Hollywood, like the matrix trilogy, Harry potter, Bond movies, etc. who work on the principle of "PRE STORM SILENCE", incorporating a huge piece of silence before an attack and then an explosive, reverberating sound, almost tearing our eardrums . This is called a storm.

I switched off the TV before the climax scene, because as soon as the silence began to rise my food got empty. End of my day wasn't as climactic as the movie, it had washing of dishes, utensils than kissing a girl, which usually concludes any movie's climax.


  1. Well I would put it the other way round that the Hollywood sequences are derived from the Marathi phrase :)

  2. Hey, thanks for your comment Rajesh, you're absolutely right, but I just thought of exaggerating the situation :D
